Forget about exhibits as you known them. Brno’s history is incredibly exciting and there’s nothing worse than just letting it sleep in books. So we’ve brought it to life. At our Cellar, we’ve mixed tales like from your grandpa with virtual reality. We jump from the distant past to the present and back again, whatever fits best. Come and have a look in our Cellar under the New Town Hall at the “Fiery Horse and Dragon”. It’s worth it.
Fiery Horse and Dragon
Combine a drop of real history with a pinch of mythic tales, mix thoroughly, and serve enough to overwhelm your eyes. That’s the Fire Horse and Dragon. A modern and multimedia exhibition that entertains all your senses and charms visitors young and old alike. At the Cellar under the New Town Hall, a place of contrasting ancient spaces, contemporary art, and new technology.
There’s no cellar like this Cellar
Brno legends
Who’s the best storyteller? Grandpa! And where else to not only hear but also experience Brno legends than a place where history has been written since the Middle Ages? In mysterious vaulted rooms, you can meet the most well-known tales: you’ll see the Brno dragon and wheelwright Jiří Pirk, learn what happened with the crooked pinnacle on the Brno Town Hall, and then discover everything old Brno had in common with contemporary Brno. Or didn’t have? All in illustrations by Veronika Vlková.